The next Artica Writings 2023 essay is out now: Why Are We Eating Space Food on Earth? by Maggie Coblentz

Gruvefjellet in Nybyen, Svalbard. Photo: Maggie Coblentz

We are very pleased to share the third essay of Artica Writings 2023: Why Are We Eating Space Food on Earth? A performance of fermentation and fieldwork by Maggie Coblentz translated to Norwegian by Karin Olås

Between field excursions to install new equipment on a nearby glacier, I return to my home in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, which I periodically convert into a research station filled with scientists, engineers, and artists. With my boots half-off, I tiptoe through a maze of pickle jars and field equipment to feed my sourdough starter. It has been passed down for eleven years and has more experience living in the Arctic than I.”

Read the full essay, available in English and Norwegian here.


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Autumn at Artica